Sunday, May 07, 2006

Iran & Chapter 7

The urge from U.S and its Western allies for Iran to suspend its nuclear enrichment program continue with U.S backed by old buddies, Britain and France drafting a new resolution for the U.N Security Council despite mounting protests. China and Russia, reject the idea to push the resolution under Chapter 7 of the U.N Charter. Chapter 7 apparently allows U.N to force any states into compliance using punitive measures, war or sanction among others. China, understandably has engage Iran in important oil contracts (what with the Iran`s oil bourse scheduled for opening in another 2 months, with Euro denominated market price) and perhaps, apart from hating the idea of another invasion, has crucial interest at stake in Iran at the moment. Russia, on the other hand, is a long time buddy with the Middle East countries prior to Soviet Era. Business is good for Russia in the Middle East, hence, the worry that sanctioning Iran will be bad for their business and economic interest in the Middle East is very much understandable. By the way, Iran is Russia `s most important client where arms and military equipments are concerned.
Imagine 2 business man and 3 global warlocks discussing the faith of a regime. Hmmm...not a very nice picture.
Things of course gets more dramatic, when Iran threatened to cut off oil supply should they are sanctioned. Try disrupting us and you have your oil tanks drowned in the Harmuz.
A second Cold War in the making? If it is, no wonder U.S is damn afraid now. Rather then surviving in the world today alone and very much, unilaterally, an emerging dissent from another part of the world is something they have to stop immediately.
Iran `s back ups are obviously defending Iran for the sake of their interest. Do they sincerely want peace wihout any tangible motives. Kerat jari, I don't believe them.
As for U.S, the world is pretty much fed up with your fancy for power and oil. Don't simply hide behind the banner of U.N and cowardly calls Iran a nuclear threat. Don't any of the world leaders remember world `s most important precedents to date: United States of America vs. Afghanistan and United States of America vs. Iraq?
The need to vomit is very much forceful now.


Blogger anakabah said...

a bit off-topic, but it concerns Iran anyway.
found a blog about the imprisonment of prominent Iranian philosopher Ramin Jahanbegloo under charges of espionage.

bring Sadegh Hedayat back to life!


7:24 PM  
Blogger GEE said...

Yeah, a lot of Iranian intellectuals
(including bloggers) face severe persecutions from the State due to their liberal views. I have a tender spot for Iran coz one of my Iranian friend who are doing social work (and known for his liberal i-don't-give-a-damn lifestyle ) dissapeared in 2005 and was not heard off/from up till now. :(

Anyway, thanks for the link. :)

8:28 AM  
Blogger anakabah said...

i dont know if youve read the 18 pages long letter sent by Iranian presiden Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to "president" Bush. if you havent, the pdf file can be read/downloaded here (now it's only 8 pages in pdf la..)

Click and say "Mikon rocks!"

4:24 PM  

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