Friday, July 28, 2006

Anti - Condeezz Protest

"Who`s that girl?"

A bunch of concerned citizens + activists and a dose of political affliates here and there, joined hands yesterday for a march in protest of Condoleezza Rice`s presence in the country in conjuction with the ASEAN Regional Meeting. Pointing out "to discuss with ASEAN countries with regards to regional security" as her top agenda, we all think she has her hands full what with Lebanon and Mid-East conflict to tackle. So, thanks but no thanks, Condoleezza. Leave ASEAN alone as we are not buying your Anti Terrorism Campaign. We kinda figure out who are the actual terrorists and its up to the ASEAN countries to deal with its own security issues. Cold War is over, Condoleezza and ZOPFAN appears to be the best policy to quote to you right now despite its lame course. Tell your President, Bush Jr. that his greed for oil and world hegemony is annoying us to the core.

Pictures courtesy of Colin Nicholas.


Blogger Amin Iskandar said...

Kenapalah aku tak ada kat Malaysia di saat-saat yang indah ni. Dengar cerita Khairy Jamaluddin pun dah radikal sekarang?

Sampai aku terima dua panggilan dari Malaya petang tadi dari kawan-kawan semata-mata nak laporkan tentang demo petang tadi.


11:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hueh the Nasi Kondom-less tuhhh tak sepatutnya datang.

4:30 AM  
Blogger GEE said...

black-wah,sampe ada org call alert kau pasal demo tu.dasat...dasat..
tp. union guy kata bilangan yg dtg demo hari ni laaagi ramai dr. smlm.

azhar, nice nick 4 bush's right hand! dari sibuk dtg sini,baik ke timur tgh,bereskan apa yg dimulakan oleh Amerika.

4:56 AM  

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