Monday, October 16, 2006

Public Inquiry

"Was the crowd unruly?"
"Why did you disperse the crowd?"
"Because of security",
"Have you come across violent public during assemblies such as this?"
"No, but I anticipated that public can turn violent,"
"Based on what,"
"National security,"
"Do you have criterias on what amount to national security?
"If there is unpleasant action or words toward others,"
"In other countries' jurisdiction, peaceful assemblies are allowed sans permit. Public need only to notify the police about the assembly so that police could be present to control situation and traffic, do you think such exercise can be done here?"
"No, it all comes to national security,"
" Do you think our society is not ready for such exercise?"
" We are not matured enough?"
"Do you recognized freedom of assembly as a public right?"
"Still subject to security,"

Public Inquiry on Bloody Sunday is now being conducted by SUHAKAM. Today, FRU personnels and some senior officers of the police force was brought before the tribunal to be answerable to their (mis)deeds during the oil hike protest in KLCC recently. Compared to court cases, although the party founded guilty or to commit wrong will not face punitive consequences, public persecution and humiliation is always abundance. However, the whole point of a PI is to dig the truth and name the perpetrators while at the same time, recommend changes on how things can be done in the society without jeorpadizing the public`s rights. Kudos to Dato' K.Vohrah for giving fresh meanings to impartiality and fairness. The FRU personnels and police force brought to the dock were all cautious and answered each question with soft voice and calculated answers. Meanwhile, inquiry resumes later at 2 pm.


Blogger Chang Lih Kang 郑立慷 said...

My blog has more details on the public inquiry, but not so updated la.....

4:51 AM  
Blogger GEE said...

hi lih kang,
yup, checked your blog oredi.
hopefully something constructive and progressive will come out form the inquiry.


4:16 PM  

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