Friday, October 13, 2006

Stats Discontent

Why the huge brouhaha over ASLI findings? It’s not like ASLI found out that Malays are losing its share of equity or doing poorly in corporate, it was vice versa.

Statistics are frightening when it attempts at revealing truth. Especially if it contradicts the generally accepted numbers. 45% is threatening at the moment. 18.9% is a defense while 30% take a back seat. 45% is not glorified at all although figuratively, it is a much bigger fatter number. Sometimes, people want statistics to remain stagnant, lower and small. Especially if statistics ensure that the cake is yours for years to come.

Sadly, the cake was unevenly distributed. A bunch of oligarchs might get full access to the cake but not the urban poor or the remotely poor, the ones with no “kabels”, the ones who lack PR skills @ weak at “mengipas” …these “marginalized groups” are not accounted for where the 18.9% or 45% is concerned. Subservient to the feudalistic nature of State policies, bank accounts and mega projects, don’t talk about wealth distribution with “the marginalized”. You will only be in for a hundred page long account on what has not been done by the State as opposed to what has been done.

Hell, to determine which of the statistic is ASLI (pun intended), the State needs to be transparent with its record of “numbers”. Or is there any problem with barring all especially if all the records reveal how the cake was dominated by a certain elite bunch?

the cake= mega projects, tenders (small, medium or big), APs, profits, share/stocks...


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