Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Apa erti MERDEKA pada aku tahun ini?

Pada tahun 2003, aku dan Union Guy pernah ditemuramah oleh sebuah akhbar tempatan berbahasa Inggeris mengenai persepsi anak muda (terutamanya yang terlibat dengan aktivisme) terhadap Hari Kemerdekaan. Soalan-soalan standard yang dilontarkan adalah apakah takrifan tersendiri kami mengenai kemerdekaan dan bagaimanakah sepatutnya kemerdekaan ini diisi. Aku rasa jawapan aku pada ketika itu adalah “ Merdeka bermaksud membebaskan diri dari penindasan, nilai-nilai “undemocractic” dan dogmatik”. Aku turut menyebut “aknowledging our differences “ sebagai mukadimah penting kepada pengisian kemerdekaan. Jawapan itu aku ikat pula dengan sokongan aku kepada aliran vernakular sebagai simbol kepelbagaian dan kebebasan mengamalkan budaya dan bahasa ibunda bagi kaum minoriti. Union Guy menongkah jawapan aku dengan “suara kerbau” dan “muka ketat” beliau ( terma ciptaan geng lepak Union Guy ). Beliau tidak pernah bersetuju dengan aliran vernakular.

3 tahun kemudian, aku terfikir betapa komunalnya pemikiran aku. Samada kerana Khairy Jamaluddin atau “discourse” popular agama mewakili bangsa, aku insaf dan menyedari satu perkara. Aku memang menyokong kebebasan untuk mempraktikan bahasa ibunda dan kebudayaan sebagai salah satu intipati penting kepada jatidiri seseorang individu. Tetapi perlukah kebebasan tersebut diterjemahkan di dalam bentuk aliran vernakular. Adakah bahasa ibunda dan kebudayaan ras itu hanya akan terbela sekiranya wujud institusi sokongan dalam bentuk sekolah vernakular atau sekolah agama rakyat?

Kita menolak politik komunal tajaan sang pemerintah. Cubalah sehebat mana sekalipun mereka ini untuk meyakinkan kita bahawa BN itu terbuka untuk semua bangsa. Hakikatnya MCA itu untuk kuota Cina, MIC pula untuk kuota India serta UMNO untuk kuota Melayu. Komunal lah tu.

Maka, apa pula bezanya dengan kita mempunyai sekolah yang berjenis-jenis, kononnya bagi mengakomodasi perbezaan. Tidak bolehkah perbezaan itu diakomodasi di bawah satu bumbung.

Hendak ajar Mandarin atau Tamil, ajar sahaja di Sekolah Kebangsaan. Semua pelajar boleh ikut serta. Tidak perlu sekadar berkongsi padang sebagai visi untuk berkongsi wawasan. Perpaduan itu bukannya sekadar dari polisi turun ke hati, tetapi dari hati turun ke jatidiri. Kerana pengekalan dasar pecah dan perintah inilah, kita masih belum mengenal erti perpaduan yang sebenar. Kerana kita masih selesa mewarisi sistem vernakular tajaan kuasa kolonial, aku rasa kita belum boleh dianggap merdeka.

Kita masih mudah melatah melihat orang Melayu makan di restoran Cina atau orang India berpegang tangan dengan teman wanitanya, seorang Melayu atau seorang amoi. Tetapi kita gah berbicara soal perpaduan. Asal hidung pesek dan berkulit perang pulak, kita anggap mesti orang itu Melayu dan mesin generalisasi kita pantas menterjemah Melayu, maka wajib Islam. Kerana itu jugalah kalau seseorang berbangsa Cina itu masuk Islam, dianggap masuk Melayu. Betapa kuatnya pengaruh polarisasi dalam sistem kita sehingga pegangan agama turut dikonstruk sebagai kriteria sesuatu kaum, bukannya persoalan individualiti yang merentas aspek ras dan budaya.

Jadi, tahun ini merdeka itu bagi aku adalah membebaskan diri dari cengkaman fahaman serta amalan komunal. Kita harus menolak institusi –institusi yang mendukung atau menyebabkan polarisasi kaum!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Both Worlds

It has been an extremely busy week for yours truly. Fatique should be defined as "gee rolling on the floor in exasperation as she is unable to do anything but let her tiredness drowns her" (chewah, that's vain in passive form). But it was fun as I accomplished series of events which I thought would suck big time.

First, there was the Central Training for Child Rights Trainers. Taking over my colleague job was made harder when the databank of the child right trainers `s profile and contacts was super archaic that I had to call the trainers to confirm their existence. Two or three of them have retired and most are A.W.O.Ls. However, before I can say "screw me!", the androgynus Luck paid me a visit and everything went smooth sailing. What did I learn from the training? I learned that people think training is a bank-in education and we, facilitators are here to spoon feed them. It will forever be about what the organizers can do next for US rather than what we can do together. This mentality unfortunately is very popular among the trainers. Second, not only religion can be dogmatic. Human Rights Training Modules can be dogmas too. A lot of us think there is only one way of doing things, its tested, proven to be workable hence, let's make it a a blue print. Wrong. In advocating for human rights, there is no such thing as one dress fits all. Again, a lot of trainers do not dare to take the risk of trying out new strategies and techniques.

Yesterday, I was privileged as I was afforded the opportunity to conduct a peace building workshop for 140 young members of the YMCA, coming from all over the Asia Pacific region. Upon seeing their t-shirt and jeans, I swore at my skirt, blouse and high heels. After some thoughts, I asked the participants' permission to take off my heels and went happily barefooted throughout the workshop.

I learned some lessons during that program too.

I guess I always thought youths are supposed to be pacifist ab initio. Surprisingly, a large number of the participants validify war as an evil must. Some quoted World War II as necessary before peace can exist. Many are still unable to articulate the effects of validifying war as a strategy to secure human rights, democracy and peace. The participants from United Kingdom, Canada and Australia were silent during the brainstorm. Of course. They might be reflecting on their own home countries that agreed with the current war against terrorism plus are world `s biggest weapon supplier and industry. If my concern with the older group was the fact that they are too comfortable in their "old shoes", the youths on the other hand, are full of bright fresh ideas. However, lack of experience and reality check as opposed to sweet idealism affects their perception and development of ideas.

I guess the most valuable lesson I learned from those two events is I could and should never forget my younger idealistic side. Eager to contribute ideas, a risk taker, creative and having fun doing things I loved the most. At the same time, I am beginning to sense my older adult self questioning my crazy ideas. A balance of both worlds are just the thing all social workers and human rigths advocate need now. Both worlds.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Sense & Sexuality

Yesterday, NST covered the unwanted babies issue. Further story, right here.
Last week, I think, a research by USM reveals that half of university students are sexually active and 8 out of 10 do not wear contraceptives.

Question 1:
If we were to have our angry fix, what would our justifications be? Angry that young girls are having sex before marriage or angry that young women are having unsafe sex?

Question 2:
If having sex (safe or unsafe) outside of wedlock is non-negotiable to the society, are we actually confronting social stigma or adolescence ignorance? If the later is the factor, will by having shelters to accomodate single mothers enough to curb this problem? If the former is the problem, will the unwed mothers find solace and peace after she delivered her baby and return to the society? Or she will forever be marked as gatal and dirty? Perhaps, the pressure of being forever remembered as THAT pushed the young women off the edge and wrongly presents them with only one "safe" conclusion - abortion or infanticide. As we all now, social persecution more often then not, are more bitter and bloodier than any form of punitive measures.

I am not a sexologist, sex scientist or some certified doctor love. Its a sad cliche that a lot of young people takes sex as a manifestation of love although I can guarantee you a lot more finds it a a satisfying act in the absence of love or any tangible sentimentality towards the other. A lot of young woman opted for sexual act due to uninformed choices and consent (re: "jomlah, kita buat dulu, i janji i akan kahwin dengan you" OR "kondom? what do you mean kondom, mana ada "rasa"!) Few I believe would rather approach sex with both brain and heart. Be it as one night stands or as a sign of commitment.

Sex is a subject the Asian society finds personal and non-discussable. Ironically, the aftermath of sexual implications quickly becomes an object of commercial franchise in the media or publicly-owned news despite it being a discreet private topic at first. It can't be help that the voyeuristic tendencies (even before the era of video or web cams, we have the peeping toms and marys urban, suburb and rural) of our society increase the demand for this kind of news. As the result,we embrace both worlds in confusion-to see sex as a dirty thing meant for "bilik tidur" and at the same time to enjoy sex in the form of gossips, news and pornography without realizing that we are not doing "sex" any favour when we limit our understanding of sex and sexuality to these kind of outputs only. In the end, I would call ourselves, suppressed, vulnerable and desperate.

To me, what happens now is not a sign of God`s wrath that more young people sees themselves as potential sex machines as some would be quick to admit. Lets leave our judgemental coats behind and see this issue as an opportunity to improve our society`s perception on sex. There is this one Chinese word that I love- "Wei Ji". It means "crisis" but the 2 Chinese characters that formed the word means both Danger (Wei) and Opportunity (Ji). What wisdom!

I am all for sexual education and although I know there is a mention of sexual health in the school education, sexual education should also generate discussions on real issues that young people are facing. If we were to have sexual education, I hope the pool of teachers and trainers responsible for the subject will be open-minded and understanding enough to free themselves from any sort of judgements and pre-conceived notions about young people and their approach to sex. Its not about imposing how young people should approach sex but its about ensuring that they are well-informed before making choices where sex is concern.

What will be even better is if sexual education be seen as a platform to deconstruct social perceptions on sex not only for children and young people but also parents and adults. If only we could trust our young generation with knowledge and understanding of sex , perhaps they and also us could approach "sex" with both brain and heart.

Friday, August 18, 2006


An opposition purist had a long talk with me on the telephone before bedtime last night. I am the type that enjoy talking so much that I could be some sports announcer or a 24-hour news anchor in my other life (yes, I do retain some amount of hope for THIS kind of belief, it makes blaming a much more easier task when you have something else to blame). But politics before bedtime? I want to have nice sweet dreams no nightmares.

OP: Are you following Pak Lah-Dr.M `s cat fighting?
ME: No. Couldn't be bothered. Why?
OP: Apalah u ni. Kata political? This is a good start for us to grab the opportunity and bash up BN.
ME: Who is "US"?
OP: Opposition lah.
ME: Oh.
OP: U ni dah tak radical cam dulu lah. Dah cam slow jer. Pak Lah-Dr.M tengah bergaduh tu, if we take Dr.M`s side and give him a platform, habislah Pak Lah.
ME: Radikal tu apa?
OP: Ala...buat-buat bodoh plak.
ME: I tak ikut. Malas lah. Banyak lagi hal lain. Pak Lah ke Dr. M ke, semua tu product sistem yang sama, parti yang sama. Nak gaduh, gaduhlah..Kalau mengikuti perkembangan cat fight tu, radikal, then, I tak nak jadi radikal lah.

We talked for another 5 minutes before he called it off and said talking to me is getting boring. Sure, whatever. He called the shots and I was just being polite. Because when it comes to Pak Lah-Dr. M `s clash, I just couldn't be bothered. Its a clash of ego, for all I know. Its not productive and does not benefit the layman at all. The news about their clash has been hoarding the main page of our mainstream newspapers and I figured a lot of other social news, urgent in nature and of more importance to the rakyat, were forced to take a back seat as the clash of the BN titans dominate the limelight.

So, sorry. The outcome of the clash does not interest me. There is no guarantee that all the attention and spotlights given to them could alter any social and economy policy in the country. The least that could happen (miracleously or not) is that a bridge will be built to make someone happy. Itu sahaja.

Taklah best sangat.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Me, the Toymaker...

One of the many reason why I love my job so much. I get to be a toymaker or board game designer too, sometimes. For this coming up training for people or organization working with/for children, a special segment requires them thinking out of the box and to come up with interesting learning kit or activities to promote human rights to the younger sector of the society.

I am coming up with a Monopoly + Snakes & Ladder Boardgame that aims to expose children aged 10 below to their rights. Some of the snakes and ladders are ready. Coming up with more, later.

Chaos rules in my office today but not without enough dose of FUN!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Lefthander `s Day (Bukan Lefthanded)

Rupa-rupanya hari ini hari untuk orang yang menggunakan tangan kiri.

Kalau diikutkan, tidaklah seronok sangat bertangan kiri ni. Pengalaman aku semasa kecil, apabila aku terjatuhkan barang atau tertumpahkan air....aura "klutz" aku dikaitkan dengan penggunaan tangan kiri. Tangan kiriku pernah dibalut dengan serban oleh nenek asalkan aku menggunakan sudu dengan tangan kanan semasa mencedok lauk. "Lebih baik, lebih afdal..." jawabnya bila aku tanya.

Menulis, bermain batu seremban, membawa barang, bermain pianika...semua itu aku selesa dengan tangan kiri. Bercakap, berpidato, berdebat...tangan kiri aku cekap dihayun ke kiri ke kanan menegaskan hujah yang aku bawa. Terfikir aku sama ada nasib malang berkecenderungan menggunakan tangan kiri ini turut dialami oleh Da Vinci, De Niro, Matt Groening, Jimi Hendrix, Billy The Kid,Napolean Bonarpate, Ramses II dan Nelson Mandela semasa mereka kecil. tetapi apa yang nyata dan pasti, latarbelakang mereka lebih cemerlang, menarik, bersejarah dan dramatik daripada aku.

Apapun, di celah kesibukan kerja (baca: masih di pejabat sekarang), aku ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Tangan Kiri kepada semua yang memiliki "keistimewaan" itu.

Hendak sertai grup tangan kiri (tetapi tidak berhaluan kiri) , lawatilah laman ini.

Hantu Menggugat Keselamatan Negara?

Kepercayaan dan rasa teruja masyarakat tempatan kepada elemen-elemen mistik memang tidak dapat dinafikan lagi.

Kita ada MASTIKA- majalah yang mengetengahkan unsur-unsur seram dan mistik atas alasan memberi keinsafan kepada rakyat.
Kita ada pengundi HANTU - hanya muncul dan mengganas empat tahun sekali dan seperti HANTU RAYA, mampu menyamar dan menyerupai orang yang telah mati di pos-pos mengundi.

Kita ada banyak toyol di dalam sistem negara yang kuat mencuri duit rakyat. Mereka ini licik, pantas bertindak dan sukar untuk dikesan. Sedar-sedar, duit tabungan kita menjadi sumber membebaskan rakan-rakan mereka ini dari hutang piutang sendiri.

Kental sungguh pengaruh makhluk halus dalam hidup rakyat Malaysia. Itu belum dicampur amalan ilmu perdukunan, bomoh-membomoh, santau-menyantau. Setakat ini, apa yang disebut di atas di pandang sebelah mata oleh Sang Pemerintah.

Maka apabila hantu serta jin yang dipamerkan di Muzium dicabar kesahihannya, mengapa OSA digunakan bagi menghalang daripada bukti kewujudan hantu dan jin ini dari dipamerkan kepada umum? OSA pulak tu....bukan calang-calang Akta yang digunakan.

Sama ada pihak yang menggunakan OSA ini takut masyarakat makin bertambah fanatik dengan kepercayaan mereka kepada perkara-perkara mistik ini atau mereka tidak sanggup mengambil risiko mendedahkan bukti saintifik mengenai hantu yang dipamerkan kerana khuatir ianya akan menjejaskan jualan tiket pameran.

Apapun, pada aku hampir separuh rakyat Malaysia boleh tampil ke hadapan mendakwa pernah terserempak dengan hantu satu atau lebih daripada satu kali di dalam hidup mereka. Jadi, apa masalahnya.

Ada, adalah. Kalau Tidak wujud, tidak wujudlah.
Macam 18 pemimpin yang didakwa terlibat dengan rasuah dahulu. Masih menyorok macam hantu. Bila mahu diusir agar tidak merasuk ketelusan sistem?

Kalaulah upacara menghalau hantu diadakan di Parlimen, aku tidak tahu berapa banyak polong penghisap darah rakyat yang akan tercungap-cungap keluar meninggalkan bangunan itu.

Malaysia juga baru memperolehi "banshee" versi tempatan. Jangan ingat "banshee" ini ada di Eropah sahaja mendiami menara-menara tinggi, sekarang, di Malaysia, ada seekor "banshee" yang tidak habis-habis menjerit dan melolong memohon agar jambatan keramat kesayangannya dibina. Jika tidak, "banshee" ini mengugut tidak akan berhenti membuat bising.

Poin aku adalah, rakyat Malaysia sudah cukup lali dengan elemen mistik sama ada yang diinterpretasikan daripada ajaran agama sampailah yang dikonstruk oleh sosial. Daripada yang menunggu pokok ketapang sampailah yang menjadi penunggu Tabung Haji dan KWSP. Sila dedahkan hantu-hantu yang sedang memusnahkan negara ini.

Cukup-cukuplah kita hendak menghabiskan masa menunggu hantu dan jin di Muzium Shah Alam hidup hanya kerana pihak Muzium menggunakan OSA menyekat sebaran maklumat sebenar. Bukan aku tidak suka Muzium Shah Alam mengadakan pameran sebegini. Kena caranya, pameran mengenai elemen-elemen mistik sesebuah masyarakat itu mampu membongkar perkembangan antropologi mahupun sosiologi contohnya pembongkaran misteri mumia yang dikaitkan dengan ketamadunan zaman pemerintahan Firaun. Apatah lagi, keterujaan kepada perkara-perkara sebegini memang seronok dan menyeronokkan. Takut-takut dek kerana asyik menunggu bangkai janglut mengelupur dan replika puntianak mampu mengilai, kita terlupa kebobrokan di dalam masyarakat hasil penangan hantu-hantu yang dipilih di dalam pilihanraya.

Monday, August 14, 2006


Got this from a friend. Pretty accurate way of "predicting" weather according to "obvious" symptons, don't you think? :-)

At least Monday is not that gloomy, now.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Conversation and some more...

Did some catching up with an ex-government offcial turned social worker, Mrs. Amy today. Still the same old darling- dimpled cheek infectious smile and unapologetic opinions with a touch of motherly instinct thrown in between every line of words. She`s been advocating for children `s rights for years and seemed to be pretty passionate and unnerving with her work . We looked into several issues, reversing and forwarding our memories, picking up on issues we felt dear to our heart and exclaiming "that was good" or "should`ve done it better" more than 10 times. Our generation gap seemed mythical in my crowded messy room as we exchange jokes and updates of our lives.

Excerpt # 1 - Children Angst or Suicidal Indoctrination?
"Did you notice how our creativity was pushed to the edge when we are 9 years old?"
"Like what?"
"Like when we are always asked to write an autobiography of non-living objects like cars and pens?"
"Yes. yes...I remember - the "Aku Sebatang Pen" exercise, my God, our protaganist always end up in horrible ways"
"Yeah, the longkang, lost its ink and thrown away, got stolen yadda yadda.."
" Its not our fault, my teacher always asked me to make the stories as creative and as good as possible...tragedies are always a good option for good marks,"
"Exactly, we celebrate tragedy more than we celebrate happiness, we see death and destruction as interesting background for our non-living objects,"
" I don't see it that way though. I see an A+ in tragedies, works all the times,"
"What happened to your kilometrico pen, by the way?"
"Yours was a kilometrico pen too? It was always Kilometrico, by the way,"
"Mine dropped into the drain and left in the cold until its last breath,"
" Half of my class had the same ending,too..hahaha"
"Don't we all, don't we all,"

Excerpt # 2 - You Have to Bath According to the Scheme!
"My nephew, he`s sick. Got athma...real bad case. ICU most of the time. poor fragile thing..anyhow, he only take his bath once a week. The proper one with generous splash of water and soap. The rest of the week, his mom will wipe his body with water and little portion of body wash as he cannot stand the cold water. Well, one day at school, during Moral Studies, he has to answer a short quiz and on one question regarding hygiene, required him to answer how many times he "mandi" per day. He answered "once a week", cause he feels that is the only session he has that qualify as a real bath-lots of water, soap and shampoo. He got the question wrong. His teacher, answered firmly that to be hygienic, he has to bath 3 times a day. My nephew then said,
"But cikgu, I can't mandi 3 times a day or else I will die from the cold,"
"Tapi ikut skema, memang untuk jaga kebersihan, kena mandi 3 kali sehari,sakit ke tidak, cikgu tak tahu"
Not surprising though. Has our education substantially reflect reality? Has it been accomodative to children with diseases, children with disabilities or children from poor communities?
Even bath, a personal exercise to preserve cleanliness is subject to a formal scheme! Hah!"

Excerpt # 3 - "Saya Tak Tahu Apa Itu Kapal Terbang".
"I went to a small Orang Asli community in Pahang and talked to a kid there, she was very shy and all but after I "bribed" her with some sweets and biscuits, she came closer to me and willing to talk. She was 11 years old, I think. I asked to see her exercise book. She brought down the whole load and I start rummaging through the piles of books and papers. In her Bahasa Malaysia exercise book, there was a one liner, written untidily with lots of spelling mistakes -

" apa yang kamu tah.. tentang kapl terbng dalam 5 ayat".

First question I asked her...
"Pernah tengok kapal terbang?"
Shook her head shyly
"Dalam T.V?"
Shook her head more. Plus a short-lived toothless grin.
"Gambar ke, suratkhabar ke?"
She stopped shaking her head, looking uncertain. I gave up drilling her knowledge on aeroplanes and asked her the simple basic question,
"Tahu tak kapal terbang tu apa?"
She laughed like I was asking something funny.
"Saya tak pernah tengok".

Can I draw a picture of a huge frightening boar? I bet on all the aeroplane companies in the world that the small girl can "

Excerpt # 3 - Its always about khinzir
"Would putting satay daging together with satay ayam offend Hindus?"
"I guess so, Hindus don't eat beef kan,"
"Will we be more concern about pork being put together with ayam in an event attended by Muslims or about satay daging being put together with satay ayam in an event attended by Hindus?"
"Well...with beef, we always assume its fine, nobody makes noise, if it gets to the offensive level, we quickly go to the fruit section or walked out"
"And you see pigs as dirty and sensitive to the Muslims and Hindus see cow as a sacred animal, but its fine to overlook the satay incident".
"That`s why perpaduan is a dead letter."

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Amerika adalah bumi yang menakjubkan.

Kata Chomsky, Amerika adalah satu-satunya negara di dunia yang kekuatan ekonominya berkembang sejajar dengan kebangkitan agama konservatif.

Amerika juga memiliki begitu ramai cendekiawan, pemikir Islam mahupun penganalisis politik yang jenuh membantai dasar-dasar Washington.

Di celah-celah protes rakyat Amerika terhadap dasar ketenteraan Bush yang bernaung di bawah panji demokrasi, lebih kurang 50% rakyatnya percaya Iraq memang memiliki WMD.

Di celah kemesraan yang ditonjolkan oleh Condoleezza Rice dan Bush, kenyataan umum mereka mengenai dasar Amerika masih boleh bercanggah.


Kerana kadang-kala membaca berita tragedi Lebanon serta kelicikan BP (Bad Plumbing) memualkan aku, aku ingin berhenti membaca serta berbincang mengenai Lebanon buat seketika dan mendengar lagu-lagu anti perang yang berikut:

The_Compassionate Conservatives_G._W._Bush.mp3

Audio-audio berkenaan Amerika, politik dan yang sewaktu dengannya boleh didengar di RadioNationBlog. Boleh bersetuju atau tidak. Itu hak anda. Kualiti audio adalah sangat memuaskan.


Jadi ‘Dundee” juga merupakan satu perkataan atau frasa yang wujud di dalam Bahasa Thai. Maknanya? Sila baca artikel ini.

Usaha NGO di Thailand memantau serta melindungi kebudayaan masyarakat Thai adalah satu usaha yang murni. Tetapi, berpandangan bahawa sekiranya kondom itu dikekalkan namanya sebagai "Dundee" akan menggalakkan golongan muda untuk melakukan seks pada usia yang muda bunyinya agak dangkal. Ini pandangan akulah.


Pertama - Kerajaan Thai menganggarkan terdapat lebih kurang 20,000-30,000 kanak-kanak di bawah umur 18 tahun berada di dalam industri seks komersil. Kebanyakan dari kanak-kanak ini adalah mangsa eksploitasi seks dek kerana dihimpit kemiskinan tidak lupa juga permintaan yang tinggi di pasaran. Dalam sebuah negara, yang mana seks dilihat sebagai suatu komoditi yang lumayan, kemungkinan besar yang amat berminat membekalkan kondom Dundee ini adalah mereka yang mengeksploitasi kanak-kanak tersebut. Jangan salahkan padi-padi yang tidak berdosa itu, kemungkinan yang paling meyakinkan adalah sang pagar yang teruja mendengar nama “Dundee” dan beria-ria mahu menukar jenama kondom yang sering dipakai.

Kedua-Thailand adalah negara pengeksport sumber dalam kegiatan penyeludupan. Dalam kegiatan penyeludupan, negara-negara dikelaskan kepada tiga kategori negara- Negara Sumber, Negara Transit dan Negara Destinasi. Sebagai negara yang dikenalpasti sebagai antara penyeludup wanita dan kanak-kanak yang terbesar di ASEAN, persoalan makna “Dundee” tidak ada maknanya dan tidak menghalang penglibatan rakyat Thai dalam industri seks yang telah membudaya sekian lama di dalam masyarakat.

Mungkin ini strategi melobi. Mungkin ini taktik mengaitkan isu yang kelihatan remeh ini dengan isu yang lebih besar iaitu industri seks komersil di Thailand, tetapi janganlah kanak-kanak dijadikan persoalan pokok dalam isu ini. Aku tidak menafikan Konvensyen Hak Kanak-Kanak (CRC) yang ditandatangani oleh Thailand memerlukan Thailand menunjukkan komitmen melindungi kanak-kanak dari eksploitasi seks namun, kanak-kanak bukanlah pihak yang patut dipersalahkan dalam hal ini. Sesebuah industri mempunyai lembaga pengarahnya, pasaran permintaannya, sistemnya yang tersendiri serta strategi pemasaran untuk meraih keuntungan. Kanak-kanak (dalam hal pasaran kondom Dundee mahupun industri seks komersil) adalah bekalannya. Modalnya. Mengapa tidak kita mula membincangkan isu nama kondom Dundee ini dengan melihat komposisi industri seks komersil, golongan dewasa serta keluarga?

Friday, August 04, 2006

Rancangan Hujung Minggu -Teater,filem dan lilin...

Hujung minggu sudah kembali. Yay! Minggu ini, ada beberapa aktviti menarik bakal berlangsung. Antaranya:-

"Candle Light Vigil Against Carnage in Lebanon"
4 Ogos 2006 (Jumaat). 8 malam
Dataran Merdeka, KL

Bagi memperingati mangsa serangan Israel serta rakyat Lebanon yang sedang menderita, Majlis Peguam menganjurkan malam peringatan ini serta menjemput semua rakyat Malaysia datang memberikan sokongan anda.

"In 1969" - Sebuah Teater Cinta

4 & 5 Ogos - Jam 8.30 mlm
6 Ogos - Jam 3 petang
Rooftop Theater, Kolej Universiti Sunway

Sempena memperingati mendiang Krishen Jit, Five Arts Centre kembali dengan Woksyop #3 iaitu satu persembahan teater "In 1969". Katanya sebuah teater cinta. Masuk adalah PERCUMA dan tempat adalah terhad.

7 Ogos 2006 / 8 malam
Auditorium Universiti HELP , Pusat Bandar Damansara KL.

12 cerita pendek akan ditayangkan.

1. LIE BENEATH by Margaret Bong (11 min, dlm Mandarin)
2. UNDER THE BRIDGE by Hardesh Singh (2 min, tiada dialog)
3. BAVAM BY ST Bala (10 min, dlm Tamil)
4. WHILE YOU WERE EATING by Chi Too (4 min, tiada dialog)
5. COME AND GO by NA Halim Hassan (8 min, dlm b.inggeris)
6. OH MY GOAT! by Shan (7 min, tiada dialog)
7. SATU MALAM ISNIN by Raja Azhar (8 min, dalam bahasa Melayu)
8. THE SLIDES SHOW by Aizyl Azlee (2 min, tiada dialog)
9. SHIIT by Sasitharan Rajoo (7 min, tiada dialog)
10. THE IDIOTS by Mohd Alfie (7 min, dalam bahasa Melayu)
11. THE PERFECT DATE by Dean C Ghazi (25 min, dalam bahasa inggeris)
12. THE WAIT by Akashdeep Singh (7 min, dalam bahasa Melayu)

Masuk adalah PERCUMA. Duduk di atas lantai dibenarkan.

Selamat menikmati cuti hujung minggu anda!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Blow the whistle or be a whistle blower?

Kelakar. Funny.Hahahaha.
Read this.

It seems that now, everyone in Malaysia is foreseen as potential traitors, whistleblowers, war mongers or terrorists. Be it professional people, blue collared workers, bloggers, activists, students and even house wives. Even the Premiere`s own son in law gets the firm reminder over his strong intention to boycott U.K and U.S products, read for yourself here.

When the State begins to get over reacted, over conscious , over spending...pendek kata semua yang over lah, to me that can only means there is a crack somewhere in the system. The crack could be very threatening to the whole government, hence, the ever increasing control and social conditioning by the State. Give yourself a pat on the back if you are responsible for the crack. Some cracks are crucial especially if it involves a despotic regime comprising some not so good looking oligarchs.

I could be held liable at this juncture for my so-called gibberish and fact-less statements.
Well, I don't care. Say what you want to say.

I love my country and I will "blow the whistle" for it anytime!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Cracking down bloggers, now?

Two different views on censorship of the net, today. read here and here. But, our Premiere is more concerned with us, bloggers for spreading slanders and untruthful facts on the net. Keyword: National security. My instinct: Fear with capital F.

Case study: hmm...what about Iran. After all, Iran is quiet famous nowadays. Read here. Bloggers in Iran is leading a life just as dangerous as any political or social activists on the street. Due to the clamp down on media freedom by the conservative government in the past few years, the country`s online community grows in protest of the violation of their freedom of expression by the State. Sounds familiar?

Why the fear, O' my beloved country? The net can be a fair playing field for all. I should say. If we are concern about the spread of slanders ( re: slander to the State could be a critique of their economic policy to us), then what about netters that instigate spirits of racism or polarization of community? What about websites that refuse to disclose real hard facts about how the tax payers`s money are used? What about blogs that are set up merely to kow tow the leaders and brings "ampu" culture to a new height? Don't even let me go on. The net is a huge place and even that is an understatement. How do you control a borderless world? Excuse moi. Let me put it in a more effective sentence. How do you regiment the net?

Bloggers in Malaysia, unite!