Monday, July 31, 2006

Dalam Perjalanan ke Pejabat Hari Ini

Hujan, 8.30 pagi (Sah punch card aku merah lagi. Tak silap merah ke-enam)
Aku di dalam kereta bersama Union Guy. Trafik di Jalan Pahang menghala ke Kuala Lumpur sangat teruk.

"Semalam masa awak balik Perak, saya tengok "Paradise Now,"
"Sedihnya filem tu....saya tengok sekali je dah cukup, depressing lah filem tu".
"Cantik kan Tel Aviv? Laut biru, pokok limau, orang Yahudi berpipi merah."
"Memang cantik. Tapi cara Tel Aviv itu diperolehi yang tak cantik."
"Semalam, Israel serang Qana pulak."
"Berapa orang mati?"
"Dalam 70 orang lah tak silap. 30 orang budak kecil".
"Tadi awak tengok temuramah dengan Prof. Ruhannas-something-something, Pengarah Institut Kajian dan Perhubungan Antarabangsa UM kat TV2? Boleh pulak pengacara tu tanya, `What if Hizbullah cease-fire, won't that help since both sides attacks non stop and perhaps if one side stops, the other will, too?...WTF?"
"Aik, bukan awak Pacifist ke?"
"Tu lah. saya memang benci peperangan tapi kadang-kadang terfikir kalau orang pukul kepala kita sampai berdarah, apa opsyen kita ada? Mendiamkan diri atau melawan? Lawanlah beb,"
"Kalau Hizbullah berhenti, takde jaminan Israel mengundur. Entah-entah, U.S lagi seronok sebab Hizbullah menyerah.Lagi kuat diorang menyerang Lebanon".
"Saya baca dalam net, Hugo Chavez ke Iran, nak sokong Iran dan meningkatkan investment diorang dalam bursa minyak Iran".
"Huuuh...lagilah Amerika sakit hati".
"Macamana nak kalahkan "polis dunia" ni?.
"Kita bangkrup-kan dia. Biar dia kena berdepan dengan resistance dari Amerika Latin, Asia dan Afrika sampai dia sudah tidak ada dana untuk melancarkan dominasi dunia".
"Macam Che kata - wujudkan lebih banyak Vietnam-Vietnam kecil di seluruh dunia".
"Amerika takkan tak boleh baca dah guerrila warfare ni? Sedangkan Che pun kalah dan mati dalam struggle dia."
"Che memang dah mati. Kojol. Tapi tengok sekarang, Cuba dah jadi pengeksport revolusi di Amerika Latin..hahaha."
(Dari corong radio, Dolores @ The Cranberries melalak "Does anyone care...? Does anyone care...?)
"Rasa macam nak tembak George Bush aja...hehehe."
"Dia mati pun takda makna. Neo Kon dah bersarang kat Rumah Putih. Bush mati, diorang boleh angkat pemimpin baru untuk di-boneka-kan".
"Macam cerita 'Skull' kan? persatuan rahsia dan konspirasi dunia, cam fiksi je".
"Pesimisnya saya pada dunia. Hancurlah Lebanon, ranaplah Timur Tengah"
"Pacifist yang defeatist...elok sangatlah tu."
"Siapa hendak tolong Lebanon? Jordan, Kuwait, Arab Saudi? Syria dan Iran jelah".
"Jangan buat kelakarlah."
"Nak dengar yang lebih kelakar, PAS sekarang dok keluarkan poster-poster Hizbullah kan? Tapi diaorang perasan tak Hizbullah tu Syiah?"
"Hahaha...diaorang kan tak suka Syiah?"
"Tulah. Syiah di Malaysia diserang dikutuk, Syiah Hizbullah tak nampak."
"Double standard dalam Islamlah ni. Atau memang tak masak isu antarabangsa?"
"Sudahlah hujan, dunia sedang chaos, saya pun dah malas nak pergi kerja ni."
"Kemalasan nak kerja tu takde kena mengena dengan masalah dunia sekarang ye."

Pintu kereta dibuka. Aku keluar dengan satu keluhan yang berat. Hujan masih renyai-renyai dan aku tidak ada selera dan jiwa untuk beraksi hebat di pejabat hari ini. Secara demografinya, krisis Timur Tengah itu amat jauh dari tempat tinggalku, dari Malaysia. Dari sudut kemanusiaan, aku merasa amat lemah dan tidak bermaya mendengar berita Lebanon diperkosa setiap hari. Entahlah...

Friday, July 28, 2006

Anti - Condeezz Protest

"Who`s that girl?"

A bunch of concerned citizens + activists and a dose of political affliates here and there, joined hands yesterday for a march in protest of Condoleezza Rice`s presence in the country in conjuction with the ASEAN Regional Meeting. Pointing out "to discuss with ASEAN countries with regards to regional security" as her top agenda, we all think she has her hands full what with Lebanon and Mid-East conflict to tackle. So, thanks but no thanks, Condoleezza. Leave ASEAN alone as we are not buying your Anti Terrorism Campaign. We kinda figure out who are the actual terrorists and its up to the ASEAN countries to deal with its own security issues. Cold War is over, Condoleezza and ZOPFAN appears to be the best policy to quote to you right now despite its lame course. Tell your President, Bush Jr. that his greed for oil and world hegemony is annoying us to the core.

Pictures courtesy of Colin Nicholas.

Jack Kerouac & "On The Road"

Jack Kerouac- kacak dan ranggi, sedang mencari stesen radio, mungkin.

Otai-otai generasi Beat...yang itu bukan Marx tapi Ginsberg.

Jack Kerouac, seorang lelaki istimewa, dianggap "Tuhan" kepada generasi Beat pada tahun 1950-an. Aku rasa golongan muda di Amerika mahupun di sini biasa mendengar gerakan sosial yang popular ketika itu dengan nama gerakan Beat. Hippies dan beatnik tulen ( atau mungkin 80% tulen) mengagumi daya rebel yang bersarang di dalam diri Jack Kerouac itu. Beliau boleh dikatakan terperangkap di dalam era 50-an dan cuba membebaskan diri dari kongkongan sistem nilai era tersebut. Beliau mempersoalkan norma dan lumrah kebiasaan pada ketika itu dan mencari erti hidup dengan alkohol, marijuana dan bzendrine. Ironisnya, pada akhirnya, pencarian beliau "tersangkut" pula dengan Buddhisme. Bersama-sama rakan seperjuangan, Neal Cassidy, William S.Burrough, Allen Ginsberg dan lain-lain, beliau menterjemah makna kehidupan anak muda yang bebas dari komitmen serta menolak budaya kebendaan melalui karya-karya mereka yang kini diangkat sebagai harta kesusasteraan Amerika yang tidak ternilai.

Karya beliau, On The Road, Dharma Bums (sambungan kepada On The Road), The Town and The City dan lain-lain disanjung dek kerana kespontanan beliau menterjemah pengalamannya mengembara merentas Amerika dengan jujur dan tidak berselindung. Apa yang akan anda temui jika membaca On The Road? Apa sahaja yang sedang bermain di otak anda sekarang, dadah, seks dan alkohol. Namun, kebijaksanaan lelaki lulusan Columbia ini jangan sesekali dipandang rendah. Umum memandang beliau sebagai seorang yang mengalami gangguan jiwa, resah dan tidak stabil, namun begitu, keresahan serta pencarian beliau yang tidak putus-putus tentang maksud kehidupan menjadikan beliau seorang yang amat sensitif tentang masyarakat disekelilingnya tidak kira di mana sahaja beliau berada.

"Orang Amerika adalah pencuri semulajadi" Perspektif beliau di dalam On The Road. Manakala di dalam Pomes All Sizes, beliau menyatakan "Mimpiku tentang sebuah bandar yang teruk adalah diskriminasi diri, bandar yang sebenar adalah minda yang sejagat". Hendak kenal dengan Kerouac atau membaca sebahagian daripada karya beliau, sila rujuk di sini.

Aku bukanlah penyanjung nombor 1 beliau. Tetapi hasil pembacaan On The Road merupakan pengalaman pertama aku membaca suatu karya esperimentasi generasi Beat. Naked Lunch oleh S.Burrough tidak boleh dikira pengalaman pertama kerana aku begitu keliru sewaktu membacanya lantas mengantuk. On The Road seolah-olah satu pengalaman voyeur bagi aku, mengintai perjalanan jauh seorang pemuda yang gila mencari makna hidup dan bertemu pelbagai simbol serta representasi budaya Amerika yang mendominasi golongan muda era itu. Aku memanggilnya satu analisis sosial bersifat punkrock!

Ada perkembangan terbaru nampaknya mengenai manuskrip On The Road. Manuskrip unik yang ditaip di atas kertas minyak sepanjang 119 kaki tanpa perenggan atau mukasurat itu akan diterbitkan tanpa sebarang suntingan. Karya On The Road yang kita perolehi dan baca selama ini adalah karya yang telah beberapa kali disunting dan bukanlah karya yang benar-benar asli. Ahli akademik yang mengkaji Kerouac menyatakan ciri-ciri karya asli On The Road- tanpa perenggan dan tiada muka surat itu sebenarnya melambangkan gaya hidup generasi beat ketika itu yang bebas dari kongkongan sistem nilai dan penuh dengan kespontanan. Manakala aspek substantifnya yang sarat dengan gambaran mengenai seks dan dadah telah ditapis kerana dianggap tidak senonoh pada era tersebut. Penerbitan karya asli Jack Kerouac di dalam bentuk buku itu adalah sempena Ulangtahun ke-50 hasil karya itu iaitu pada tahun hadapan. Karya itu kini adalah milik James Irsay dan dibeli oleh beliau pada tahun 2001 dengan harga 2.43 juta.

Sila tonton video di bawah ini untuk melihat Jack Kerouac yang sebenar.

Klip tambahan:
1. Bersama Ginsberg ,Cassidy dan isteri pertama beliau..hehehe
2.Johny Depp (cuba meniru Kerouac?) membaca karya Kerouac.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Jenayah rogol di tempat kerja?

Artikel ini, mengingatkan aku kepada kontroversi pindaan di dalam Kanun Jenayah mengenai jenayah rogol. Pindaan itu menyatakan persetujuan mengadakan hubungan seks yang diperolehi kerana kedudukan autoriti seseorang dianggap sebagai rogol. Dalam ertikata lain, ini turut menyebabkan persetujuan yang diberikan untuk mengadakan hubungan seksual di tempat kerja bersama majikan atau teman sekerja tidak sah sekiranya ia diperolehi akibat kedudukan autoriti lelaki yang meminta hubungan itu dijalankan. Sekali imbas, pindaan ini tidak begitu sulit. Bukankah drama swasta di televisyen amat gemar menjadikan skandal seks di tempat kerja sebagai daya penarik kepada plot cerita yang hambar. Seorang setiausaha seksi dan cantik menghadapi dilema kerana majikannya yang tua dan hodoh meminta agar mereka tidur bersama. “Kalau tidak, aku akan berhentikan engkau dari syarikat ini, mengerti?” Biasanya, setiausaha tersebut akan menyerah diri dan pasrah dengan nasib badannya yang malang. Jadi, apa pula ynag ingin aku "highlight-kan" di dalam catitan aku hari ini?

Masalah pertama bagi aku adalah penggunaan frasa “menggunakan kedudukan autoriti”.Sungguhpun aku maklum dengan hujahan kumpulan pejuang gender yang melihat masalah ini dari perspektif pengstrukturan kuasa dalam masyarakat yang banyak dipengaruhi oleh gender (lelaki menggunakan kuasa yang dianugerah oleh strata masyarakat serta kekuatan ekonomi untuk menguatkuasakan pengaruhnya ke atas perempuan), namun, “kedudukan” sebenarnya adalah satu aspek yang boleh dieksploitasi oleh kedua – dua pihak. Bagaimana pula jika majikan yang digoda agar melakukan perbuatan sumbang dengan seorang pekerjanya yang oportunis? Bukankah di sini, kedudukan majikan itu digunakan untuk kepentingan peribadi si pekerja? Aku lebih selesa jika faktor yang dikatakan menyebabkan persetujuan itu tidak sah turut termasuk faktor paksaan, kecaman atau ugutan kerana ini bermakna sesiapa sahaja di dalam ruang lingkup hubungan profesional di tempat kerja berpotensi melakukan jenayah rogol.

Masalah kedua bagi aku adalah statistik yang dikemukakan di dalam artikel tersebut yang menyatakan hanya 5% daripada kes rogol yang dibawa ke mahkamah berjaya diselesaikan maka tidak ada apa yang hendak dikhuatirkan oleh masyarakat mengenai salah-guna peruntukan ini oleh kaum wanita. Pada aku, justifikasi itu tidak akan membantu kita menangani masalah ini dengan berkesan.Bukankah hakikat 5% kes rogol sahaja mendapat keadilan daripada mahkamah adalah satu fakta yang menakutkan dan bukannya untuk menjustifikasi pindaan tersebut semata-mata? Apa yang perlu kita fikirkan bersama-sama adalah sejauh manakah peruntukan baru ini akan memperkasa mangsa untuk ke hadapan dan membawa perogol ke muka pengadilan? Pada aku, sebarang penggubalan undng-undang yang melibatkan jenayah seperti rogol umpamanya harus mengambil kira mekanisme terbaik bagi melindungi mangsa pasca-jenayah. Sungguhpun peruntukan ini dikatakan membuka jalan untuk wanita membawa kes mereka ke muka pengadilan, namun, sejauhmanakah ia membantu mangsa membawa perogolnya ke mahkamah dan pada masa yang sama memastikan agar kerjayanya tidak musnah. Kedua, bagaimana pula dapat kita pastikan peruntukan ini tidak menjadi lubuk keuntungan atau peluang membalas dendam bagi sesetengah golongan wanita yang tidak pun dirogol? Seorang kawan aku menghujahkan “Takkanlah sanggup seorang wanita memalukan dirinya dengan mengaku dirogol untuk memperolehi keuntungan atau atas tujuan kepentingan peribadi?” Jawapan aku adalah apa pun tidak mustahil. Dalam konteks ini, wanita itu tidak menderita dari malu ditangkap basah atau rakamannya bersenggama diedar ke seluruh negara, lebih strategis, beliau akan dianggap mangsa dalam hal ini dan mendapat simpati umum.

Bukanlah aku tidak sensitif kepada penderitaan mangsa rogol. Contohnya bagi isu rogol di dalam perkahwinan, aku menyokong agar undang-undang mengiktiraf bahawa rogol memang wujud di dalam sesebuah perhubungan suami isteri. Persetujuan yang diberi bagi seseorang lelaki itu untuk mengahwini isterinya (ijab dan kabul) tidak merupakan satu “blanket consent” bagi si suami untuk memperlakukan isterinya dalam apa jua keadaan dan cara, samada dengan atau tanpa persetujuan si isteri.

Pada aku, permasalahan ini tidak akan selesai dengan hanya mengembangkan skop sosial ataupun keadaan-keadaan yang menyebabkan rogol berpotensi untuk berlaku. Pada aku, itu adalah persoalan fakta yang perlu dibuktikan oleh Pendakwaraya dan Peguam Bela dan diproses oleh Mahkamah bagi membuat keputusan. Yang perlu kita perkukuhkan sekarang adalah

  • Definisi rogol- agar tidak terhad kepada tusukan penis sahaja tetapi objek-objek lain yang memang sukar untuk ditemui bukti biologi seperti air mani. Kes rogol yang melibatkan liwat dengan batang besi contohnya turut berlaku dan perlu diambil kira dengan serius di bawah Akta.
  • Perhalusi takrifan "rogol", apakah pertimbangan-pertimbangan munasabah bagi orang awam, peguam, polis dan mahkamah mengklasifikasikan sesuatu persetujuan itu sebagai sah atau tidak. Pertimbangan seperti ugutan, penggunaan dadah dan sebagainya. Perhatian perlu diberi bagi keganasan seks dalam ikatan suami isteri, keluarga atau industri pornografi, mungkin?
  • Meningkatkan kualiti mekanisme keadilan agar lebih mesra-mangsa rogol. Mekanisme yang aku maksudkan adalah sedari membuat laporan polis, perubatan, prosedur soal-siasat sehinggalah ke perbicaraan. Ini termasuklah pendidikan mengenai hak asasi dan kesedaran mengenai mangsa rogol bagi polis, pekerja sosial, peguam, majistret dan pegawai perubatan.

Yang aku rasa paling penting bagi generasi muda adalah agar persoalan seks dan seksualiti ini diangkat sebagai satu persoalan yang boleh dibincangkan secara terbuka dan sihat. Cukuplah sudah anak muda “terpaksa” merisik maklumat tambahan mengenai seks dan seksualiti ini dari sumber-sumber rahsia yang kadang kala gelap dan tidak menterjemahkan isu ini dalam konteks yang sebenar. Kadang kala, pemendaman daya ingin tahu mengenai seks dan seksualiti (sexual repression) boleh memangkin keinginan seks yang tidak sihat contohnya rogol. Kesimpulannya, strategi bagi menangani rogol harus melibatkan kedua-dua pihak, pesalah dan mangsa serta keseluruhan sistem keadilan itu sendiri.

Pautan berkaitan

1. Pendirian Majlis Peguam

2. Pendirian WAO

3. Lagi..dari Majlis Peguam

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Poll on Malaysian Young People

Youth...what an important stage of life. It`s the time when we could commit as many mistakes as our body and budget allow and yet, at the end of the day, could stand back and say "I will repent later," It was one of the most romantic phase in your life where if you have such a dull straight forward experience of being a youth, you will definitely be grasping for some white lies to tell your children on how your youthful days were adventurous and cool. They don't invent the term youth angst for nothing, right?

Having described youth in such a way, I wonder how's our own local youth doing by the way? Merdeka Centre conducted an opinion research among 1,505 youth in our country aged 18-32 years old. A news report on the survey can be found here .

Interesting findings are as follow;
1.Expectation of Malaysian society
43% Treat various races and culture equally
27% Wanted a democratic country
18% Wanted Islam to play bigger role in society
6% Wanted a Malay-dominant society
2. On issue of Morality 62% Government to regulate
3.Concern about problems in their
71% Concerned immediate community
59% Never taken part in any community service
/volunteer activities.
The poll has at least unravel some of the misconception about youth. Youth, typically are labelled as uncaring, complacent and abhor control or regulation. Surprisingly, 62% of them wants morality to be State-regulated and a much smaller percentage choose self-regulated or family regulated. Majority of youth according to the poll feel strongly about the issues around them but they definitely need a channel to voice their concern. Not some channels chaired by a group of old men declaring themselves "belia", they need some fresh progressive platform that appreciate their ideas and position as young people. Its the MTV era, and we have to do things the new way! ;). I wish to search for the complete finding of the survey and I will post it here, if I get it.

Meanwhile, are there any progressive young people collective in Malaysia? All is not lost, check out the links below;

1.Young people that likes to serve homeless people free food. You dont have to be a chef to join.
2.Five Arts Centre`s motley crew with their community project in Taman Medan and Selayang.
3.A bunch of youth and students that advocate for young people`s civil and political rights.
4. An unlisted "public university". I am not sure whether it still exist or not.
5.Regional collective. Interesting nevertheless.

Could be other groups.... Hey, I should start a directory of young people`s group on my blog! :)
Young people should start their own collectives and respond to their issues strategically.You don't need the adults to dictate your move and action. Historically, it has always been the young people who is the State`s strongest momentum for change. I`d say, let`s start now and bring change to the country. Amin.

Monday, July 24, 2006


Sebagai sebuah negara yang berbilang bangsa dan agama, agak janggal SEKIRANYA Malaysia sunyi daripada pertembungan mahupun konflik yang lahir daripada kepelbagaian ini. Bukanlah aku mendoakan rusuhan kaum setiap hari dek kerana negara kita ini berbilang bangsa dan kaum.

Baru-baru ini, kes Serban di putuskan di Mahkamah Persekutuan. Kesimpulan yang aku perolehi daripada keputusan kes tersebut adalah;

1. Kebebasan mengamalkan agama itu bergantung kepada wajib/sunatnya amalan tersebut.Selagi Negara boleh menguatkuasa polisi yang tidak melanggar hukum wajib amalan tersebut, maka Negara berhak berbuat demikian.

2. Antara matlamat melarang pelajar daripada memakai serban, jubah dan purdah adalah bagi menghindari benih ekstrimisme dari subur di peringkat sekolah seterusnya menyebabkan polarisasi dan perpecahan di dalam masyarakat.

Pandangan aku begini. Wajib/sunatnya sesuatu amalan itu tidak menjadi titik noktah kepada kebebasan seseorang mengamalkan agamanya. Soalnya, bukan penentuan hukum ke atas perilaku memakai serban itu, yang harus dibedah siasat di dalam bilik mahkamah tetapi apakah semangat serta argumen asas kepada kebebasan kanak-kanak itu mempraktikkan sesuatu yang dipercayai olehnya. Benih prejudis dan ekstrimisme tidak sekadar tumbuh dari serban, purdah dan jubah. Benih-benih racun itu telah lama tumbuh dan mengakar dalam masyarakat dek kerana menebalnya dasar pecah dan perintah tajaan Negara. Bukan serban masalahnya. Parti politik berasaskan kaum dan agama yang patut di persoalkan, Dasar Ekonomi Baru, Ketuanan Melayu pemangkin oligarki Melayu serta dasar-dasar pemerintah lain yang gagal yang patut direnungi, keegoaan institusi agama untuk menilai kerelevanannya dalam mendepani isu-isu sosial dalam konteks yang progresif yang menjadi isunya. Ada 1001 perkara lain yang perlu dilunaskan sebelum kita, rakyat Malaysia memusatkan keseluruhan kemarahan dan tenaga kita kepada isu ini semata-mata.

Kalau benar mahu menghalang benih-benih prejudis dari lahir di dalam masyarakat, apakah lebih baik menyuruh kanak-kanak ini memakai songkok daripada serban? (sila rujuk keputusan mahkamah) Hirarki songkok itu lebih tinggi kah daripada serban dalam carta "pakaian yang menyemai perpaduan di Malaysia"? Semacam songkok -vs- serban ini menjadi simbol kepada pergelutan kuasa sebenar di gelanggang politik negara. Mungkin songkok itu lebih hadhari?

Aku tidak peduli tentang serban atau songkok. Aku tidak peduli tentang perlunya kanak-kanak berpakaian seragam di sekolah bagi mematuhi Pekeliling Sekolah. Aku lihat peraturan memakai pakaian seragam di sekolah ini pun sudah menjadi satu punca perniagaan/peluang tender untuk pihak tertentu. Usaha menanam displin di kalangan kanak-kanak sekolah sudah menjadi komoditi meraih keuntungan. Selain itu, disebabkan oleh baju seragamlah, ramai kanak-kanak Orang Asli tidak mahu ke sekolah atau malu lalu tercicir dari pendidikan. Pemakaian serban pula hanyalah soal kulit atau luaran. Maaf, aku tahu pemakaian serban itu satu sunnah Rasulullah tetapi Ustaz ku di universiti dulu pernah menasihatkan aku bahawa kadang-kadang, soal pemakaian jubah, serban dan purdah ini harus diteliti dan dilihat kesesuaiannya dari segi persekitaran dan keadaan komuniti terutamanya jika kita sedang membuat kerja-kerja komuniti dan perlu berdepan dengan ramai orang. Justeru, serban bukan penentu tahap keimanan, tahap kesabaran dan tahap kesediaan seseorang individu mebawa perubahan yang baik kepada semua orang dan bukan dirinya semata-mata. Apa yang aku kisah adalah kes ini sepatutnya menjadi satu peluang untuk badan kehakiman negara membincangkan soal kebebasan mengamalkan agama dengan progresif dan tidak sekadar dibayangi oleh polisi Pemerintah.

Sungguhpun skop kes adalah pemakaian serban, Mahkamah berhak mengeluarkan interpretasi yang kreatif kepada permasalahan ini serta melebar luaskan skop alasan penghakiman agar dapat menjadi salah satu sumber perbincangan dan refleksi masyarakat yang sedang hebat membincangkan kes-kes berkenaan kebebasan beragama. Acapkali, pemutusan kes di mahkamah mengenai isu-isu hak asasi terutamanya isu kebebasan beragama menjadi satu pertarungan bersifat prosedur dan teknikal (baca: bidang kuasa sivil lawan mahkamah syariah, baca juga thesis Salbiah Ahmad [Kolumnis Malaya! di] sewaktu menjadi Fellow di Emory di sini.) tetapi intipati kesnya jarang mengajak masyarakat melihat isu ini dari perspektif yang berbeza.

Pada masa yang sama, Mahkamah tidak pula menilai apakah kepentingan terbaik bagi kanak-kanak sewaktu memutuskan kes tersebut. ini kerana Konvensyen Mengenai Hak Kanak-Kanak (CRC) (baca teksnya di sini) yang diratifikasi oleh Malaysia pada 1995 meletakkan kepentingan terbaik kanak-kanak perlu berada di tangga yang teratas apabila ibu bapa, penjaga mahupun Negara memutuskan sesuatu bagi pihak kanak-kanak. Bila kanak-kanak yang terbabit, dibuang sekolah, adakah itu pendekatan terbaik yang membela kepentingan kanak-kanak? Bagaimana dengan hak pendidikannya di bawah Perkara 28 Konvensyen Hak Kanak-Kanak dan Perkara 12 Perlembagaan Persekutuan? Hector, seorang peguam, menulis tentang aspek itu di sini.

Aku akan terus menunggu dan menunggu. :(

Koleksi pendapat orang ramai yang agak menarik:
1. Malaysian Today-yang biasa diperolehi/didengar.
2. Sun 2 Surf `s Article
3. Hujah Mohd Hanipa Maidin, peguam kanak-kanak tersebut di blog beliau.

Friday, July 21, 2006


Timur Tengah adalah lokasi “terpanas” di dunia mutakhir ini. Kerana apa? Pertama, kerana ia merupakan punca takungan minyak idaman Amerika dan kedua kerana, untuk mendominasi sumber minyak dan menjadi kuasa unilateral terulung, Bush dan sekutunya akan melakukan apa sahaja untuk mengolah persetujuan ramai dan menampilkan justifikasi yang logik bagi meyokong gagasan perang beliau. Ini bukan sahaja peperangan berbentuk fizikal. Ini juga adalah peperangan propaganda. Propaganda bagi menguatkan sokongan dan hujahan Amerika yang Iran patut di serang.

Perlukah kuasa unilateral seperti Amerika mengolah persetujuan umum sebelum bertindak? Jawapannya perlu. Kerana sokongan umum kepada tindakan Amerika memberi legitimasi kepada usaha Amerika meneruskan hegemoni mereka ke seluruh dunia. Lebih mudah memerintah manusia yang percaya daripada yang kuat memberontak, bukan?

Operasi “Janji Sebenar” Hizbollah pada 12 Julai yang dilihat sebagai katalis kepada serangan Israel ke atas Lebanon. Operasi tersebut dinamakan sedemikian sempena “janji” Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah untuk menjadikan tentera Israel sebagai tahanan dan ditukar dengan tiga orang Lubnan yang menjadi tawanan Israel. Kemudian, bermulalah siri konflik di utara Lubnan-Israel yang akhirnya menjadi parah dengan serangan udara dan darat Israel ke atas Lubnan.

Pastinya Syria dan Iran menyampah melihat saudara bau-bau bacang mereka diserang oleh Israel. Timbullah soal sokongan Syria dan Iran kepada tindakan Hizbollah. Istilah sedap yang dijaja oleh George Bush Jr. adalah “keganasan tajaan negara” (state-sponsored terrorism).

Sekarang ini, pengolahan isu dan naratif fakta ternyata akan mengenepikan peristiwa serangan Lebanon bagi memberi laluan kepada persoalan yang jawapannya bakal menguntungkan Amerika. Apakah perkaitan Iran dengan serangan Hizbollah pada 12 Julai? Pembentukan pendapat umum ke arah menamakan Iran sebagai penaja serangan itu bakal memberikan Amerika satu justifikasi untuk menyerang Iran setelah desakan Washington agar Iran menghentikan program nuklearnya tidak berjaya. Kini, bukan hanya kelompok neo-konservatif sahaja yang menghujahkan bahawa serangan 12 Julai itu berjaya dek sokongan Iran, kelompok intelektual liberal (termasuklah pendukung Demokrat) nampaknya turut mengikuti trend yang sama di dalam menganalisis krisis di Timur tengah itu. Antara pandangan yang aku baca adalah pandangan Kolumnis New York Times, Thomas Friedman, seorang liberal di Amerika. Beliau menganggap militan tajaan Syria dan Iran hanya mahu menggugat usaha Amerika membawa demokrasi ke Palestin, Iraq dan Lubnan kerana enggan menerima demokrasi sebenar dan usaha pemodenan di rantau tersebut.

Iran akan dipersalahkan dalam banyak perkara. Harga minyak yang sedang naik sekarang adalah gara-gara kestabilan dunia yang terganggu dek krisis Timur Tengah. Pelopor krisis? Antara calon utama untuk anugerah ini adalah Iran. Iran pula dikatakan memperolehi keuntungan daripada bursa minyaknya. Mahu tidak naik angin dan iri hati kuasa besar dunia? Lagi satu fakta penting, keberanian Iran menolak rundingan bersama Amerika untuk menghentikan program nuklearnya menjadikan Iran sasaran kemarahan Amerika yang amat besar. Jadi, pemerhati politik antarabangsa, pak-pak liberal dan puak Neo-konservatif memutuskan tidak mustahil, peristiwa 12 Julai itu satu sandiwara rancangan Iran untuk mengalih perhatian Amerika dan dunia daripada mengawasi program nuklearnya. Kesemua faktor ini akan dijadikan bonus yang dikumpul sepertimana program kad “rewards” di kedai minyak. Cukup sahaja mata yang terkumpul, maka Amerika akan menukarkannya dengan hadiah teristimewa untuk Timur Tengah-serangan ke atas Iran.

Nampaknya benarlah hanya jauhari mengenal manikam.
State sponsored terrorism

Preemptive strike
Weapon of Mass Destruction
Ini semua alah bisa, tegal biasa bagi Amerika.

Jika konflik Timur Tengah dan hegemoni Amerika itu aku nukilkan seperti sebuah cerita dongeng karya adik beradik Grimm, mungkin begini jalan ceritanya:

Pada zaman dahulu, Raja Bush dari Kerajaan Amerika ingin menguasai semua takungan emas hitam di dunia. Namun, takungan emas hitam itu semuanya di dalam kekuasaan maharaja-maharaja kejam di kawasan Timur Tengah. Setelah menguasai kerajaan Afganistan dan iraq, baginda terjatuh hati pula kepada kerajaan Iran. Sayang seribu kali sayang, kerajaan Iran tidak dapat ditandingi oleh Raja Bush. Raja Bush pun bermuafakat dengan bendahara neo-konnya.

‘Senang sahaja tuanku, kerajaan naungan tuanku, kerajaan Israel sedang berperang dengan kerajaan Lubnan. Tuanku sokong sahaja tindakan Israel menghentam Beirut,”.

“Mengapa Memanda Menteri berpendapat sedemikian?”

“Kerana Beirut itulah World Trade Centre tuanku dan Iran itu pula Iraq kedua untuk kerajaan tuanku”,
Dan mereka hidup dengan aman damai selama-lamanya.

Walaupun mungkin usaha Amerika mengolah kepercayaan umum bahawa Iran patut diserang akan memakan masa, mungkin pada Amerika, biarlah. Janji suatu hari nanti, Iran dan takungan minyaknya yang berharga akan jatuh ke tangan empayar yang mengaku pencinta demokrasi ini.

Antara yang menarik di internet tentang isu ini:
Pengenalan asas kepada Hizbullah (Baca dan Fikir).
Artikel dari Asian Times
Jangan Tuduh Bush Mulakan Perang.
Blog menarik tentang krisis ini.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Bush and Blair Rapping

Check out the transcript to Bush n Blair `s private chat (that is not so private now) here.
Who would have thought world leaders knit sweaters or "Yo!" each others.


A Bit of Bushism

If any of you happens to read, you will come across Jacob Weisberg`s The Complete Bushism : Updated Frequently. Its a compilation of all the silly quotes one can only expect from "the accidental wit and wisdom of the 43rd President of the United States". I took the liberty (with full aknowledgement to Wiesberg`s effort, of course) to reproduced my fave quotes. Enjoy!
"This is Preservation Month. I appreciate preservation. It's what you do when you run for president. You gotta preserve."—Speaking during "Perseverance Month" at Fairgrounds Elementary School in Nashua, N.H. As quoted in the Los Angeles Times, Jan. 28, 2000

"I understand small business growth. I was one."—New York Daily News, Feb. 19, 2000

"I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating."—U.S. News & World Report, April 3, 2000 (Thanks to Alfred Stanley, Austin, Texas.)

"I have a different vision of leadership. A leadership is someone who brings people together."—Bartlett, Tenn., Aug. 18, 2000 (Thanks to Tarja Black.)

"I would have my secretary of treasury be in touch with the financial centers, not only here but at home."—Boston, Oct. 3, 2000 (Thanks to M. Bateman.)

"Do you have blacks, too?"—To Brazilian President Fernando Cardoso, Washington, D.C., Nov. 8, 2001

"The ambassador and the general were briefing me on the—the vast majority of Iraqis want to live in a peaceful, free world. And we will find these people and we will bring them to justice."—Washington, D.C., Oct. 27, 2003 (Thanks to Robert Hack.)

Read more here.

For youth activists or maybe interested parties, a consultation to discuss on creating a forum of multiracial young people will be held in Open Dialogue Centre, today, 8.30 pm. Could be interesting. So, see you there.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Pendidikan & Propaganda

Paulo Freire, seorang tokoh yang amat terkenal di dalam bidang pendidikan untuk golongan dewasa dari Brazil, telah menyatakan di dalam bukunya, “Pedagogi Kaum Tertindas” bahawa bagi golongan penindas, pendidikan secara bank, iaitu pendidikan yang bertujuan mengekalkan pemusatan kuasa kepada yang berkuasa serta mengenepikan semangat ingin tahu, perbahasan, dialog dan pemikiran kritis merupakan satu propaganda terbaik untuk menutup kepincangan sistem. Pendidikan tidak lagi menjadi wadah untuk membebaskan manusia dari kongkongan kebodohan mahupun untuk memperkasa rakyat agar bangun mempersoalkan penindasan. Pendidikan disalahguna sebagai senjata untuk membelenggu golongan tertindas dari berfikir serta membudaya rasa takut dan tidak peduli. Apa benarkah gagasan Freire ini?

Menelusuri sejarah dunia yang kerapkali ditulis oleh sang pemenang, penggunaan pendidikan sebagai propaganda boleh ditemui juga sewaktu zaman pemerintahan Nazi. Hitler, seorang yang genius dalam bidang propaganda mengutilisasi sebaik mungkin sistem pendidikan sewaktu itu untuk mengolah persetujuan dan kepercayaan rakyat mengenai ideologi serta dasar pemerintahan beliau. Jika diteliti buku teks yang digunakan di sekolah pada ketika itu, didapati watak-watak protoganis di dalam teks cerita umpamanya sering diwakili oleh ciri-ciri serta keperibadian yang dimiliki oleh bangsa Aryan. Perkara yang sama boleh diperhati pada ilustrasi yang digunakan dalam buku teks sekolah. Golongan yang baik dan patut dicontohi ditampilkan sebagai bermata biru, berambut perang, bertubuh sasa dan berbudi pada tanah atau kaum petani. Manakala golongan yang jahat dan harus dibenci dilukis sebagai berkepala botak, pendek, buncit dan memiliki wang yang banyak. (Sebenarnya watak kapitalis ini tidak terhad kepada bangsa Yahudi sahaja, bukti hujahan saya ini boleh dilihat di Malaysia).

Pengulangan fakta dan ilustrasi yang ditentukan oleh pemerintah dan diiktiraf oleh sistem ini akhirnya menjadi kebenaran yang dianggap sahih. Pendidikan, sebagaimana yang diperjelaskan di atas menjadi institusi pengindoktrinasian paling berkesan untuk mengolah persepsi, kepercayaan dan persetujuan manusia tentang apakah itu kebenaran.


Usah merasa takut kepada apa yang sudah berlaku di zaman kekejaman Hitler. Usah ditangkis gagasan Freire hanya kerana teori beliau cenderung ke arah pemikiran Sartre dan bersifat ke-kiri-an. Keresahan anda itu patut dihamburkan kepada penyelewangan fakta sejarah yang dibuat di “rumah sendiri”. Lebih menyedihkan fakta yang terseleweng itu dikompilasi menjadi bahan silibus untuk satu kursus wajib di universiti yang diberi nama Pengajian Hubungan Antara Kaum. Sewaktu aku terbaca laporan mengenai hal ini semalam (rujuk fakta yang dieprtikaikan di sini juga), ledakan bom di Beirut semacam kedengaran lebih perlahan berbanding ledakan kemarahan aku sewaktu itu. Walaupun api kemarahan aku kepada para “warmongers” yang menghalakan kebiadapan mereka kepada Lebanon selepas gagal menggugat Iran sedang membara, cubaan menipu fakta sejarah sebagai taktik propaganda di universiti sukar dimaafkan. Adakah ini paranoid dan prejudis yang bersifat kekirian dan subversif? Kalau begitu, adakah Profesor Khoo Kay Kim, seorang sejarawan terkenal negara boleh dianggap pranoid apabila memperbetulkan kesilapan fakta sejarah di dalam buku teks subjek tersebut?

Setelah subjek sejarah di sekolah menengah diolah menjadi subjek bosan untuk tujuan hafalan sebelum ujian (tapi dipakej sebagai subjek yang menanam rasa patriotik, aku sebenarnya merasa lebih patriotik selepas membaca esei George Orwell yang bertajuk “Notes on Patriotism”) pelajar Tahun Pertama di kampus akan disogok pula dengan maklumat yang terpesong. Generasi aku mungkin akan terkejut membaca bagaimana peristiwa Kampung Medan dan tuntutan Suqiu digambarkan di dalam buku teks tersebut. Rasa terkejut itu kerana peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut bukan peristiwa 40 tahun lalu yang mungkin agak sukar untuk aku hayati dan fahami. Ia adalah antara peristiwa kontemporari negara ini yang kesannya masih dirasai dan diketahui.

Berbanding pertempuran di medan perang dan gerakan terrorisme, propaganda licik dan halus sebegini pada aku lebih menakutkan!

Friday, July 14, 2006


Its Friday. Fabulous Friday. Last day of the week for me to slave myself for the sake of humanity. Like everyone else, of course. Perhaps, the fact that we have lotsa people getting excited and happy about weekends that makes Malaysia ranked 44 in the Happy Planet Index. Cool, eh?

How do you calculate happiness? This is the interesting part. When I checked here,

Life Satisfaction x Life expentancy
HPI= -----------------------------------------
Ecological Footprint

Or in short, "it represents the efficiency with which countries convert the earth’s finite resources into well-being experienced by their citizens".

So which country is the most happiest on earth? Its Vanuatu, dudes. The study also reveals that islands fare well above average. You could check out the reasons and what the study reveals at the website. But if I am an Islander, my pick will be Cyprus, I will definitely be a happy person. Nice sandy beaches, great weather, tall tanned hunks and all-year festive atmosphere. Which explains why people in Malta, Cyprus and Sri Lanka even, are happy. Another interesting thing is that, some of this countries are in the middle of conflicts or wars and yet, they are happy about their live. Yours truly suddenly shrink herself into a flea and felt really bad about all the dramas and theaterical antics she got herself into, just to understand the meaning of happiness. Pfff...

With Cuba also performing well as a happy country, the more reason for me to visit the country one day (Havana seemed to be the background location for most of my dreams) . See what Salsa and cigars do to those Cubans? They are a happy bunch of people despite being named as one of the Axis of Evil (Oh, if there is a CWGI or Country With Grudges Index, U.S will definitely top it) . But first, speaking of Havana, how to get over the RM10k+ air flight ticket? That`s an unhappy point!

Can life satisfaction be represented by judgement of feelings attained to materials? If it is, HPI showed that countries that top the index are countries with lower GDP. Can HPI projects how life satisfaction can also be a product of complacency? I am happy because I care less, maybe? I close my eyes to tyranny, sufferings of other and build this wall to isolate myself from the pains and complexities of problems in my society, therefore I am happy?

Anyway, I don't want to ruin the mood to celebrate this happy piece of news. Fun-spoilers like me will definitely pull the HPI down and I don't want to be blame for that. Well, not today. So, my happy people, enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

How do you defend Islam?

Wow. If I am a practising lawyer now, with a nice fat monthly wage (not that I am complaining about my current salary) and a circle of colleagues that use words like hereinafter, lacunae, vis-a-vis and sui de generis, could I possibly be joining this new group?

Will it be a good support system for Islam?
Or is this another faction on the block that will increase the friction?

How do you defend Islam, by the way? Offensive or defensive strategy?
I would say, just be a good Muslim that stays true to the whole philosophy and values that are founded in the religion.

What is a good Muslim? Maybe PPI can answer this.

If you ask me, I`d say a person that loves the religion strong enough not to be easily influenced by rules dictated by the State or patriachal prejudices. A person that respect the relationship he or she has with Allah that he or she exercises his or her options, choices and way of life according to these relationship and beliefs without fear or favour. A good muslim, to me should be able to deconstruct the theological aspects of the religion into daily practicalities and make it socially relevant but of course not at the expense of other people`s beliefs and rights. A good muslim too, are able to accept his or her flaws openly as part of the fact that we all are just plain humans who make mistakes and to do his or her level best to be a better person every day.

The last thing Islam needs now is people that keep on telling other people that they are here to defend Islam.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

MAHATHIR & PAK LAH : The Real Deal

So, our Prime Minister and his predecessor actually has blood ties. Check this out!

Really suits the saying "Susah Senang Kita Bersama".


Monday, July 10, 2006

Nota ringkas: Zizou (II), Lanun Hippie & dll.

Materazzi membela diri. Zizou pula masih mendiamkan diri. Apa kata rakyat maya tentang kejadian tandukan emas Zizou? Antara tekaan ramai:-
"Dirty terrorist"
"Mainlah untuk negara sendiri"
"Kau seorang homo"
"Emak kau seorang pelacur"

Mengapa Materazzi tidak buka mulut sahaja dan mengaku apa yang diucapkannya kepada Zizou? Hendak takut apa? Piala Dunia sudah selamat dalam genggaman Itali. Materazzi, engkau pun ada sejarah kenakalan yang tersendiri. Masih hendak berselindung di sebalik agen mu?

Pirates of The Carribean, Tayangan Amal anjuran ServiceCorp bagi meraih dana untuk MAKNA-WAO/TGV KLCC/7 Julai/8.30 mlm/Berteman.

Pesanan bila anda menonton filem ini. Jangan hendak menjadi seorang intelek sombong yang mahu berfikir panjang dalam wayang. Duduk. Telan popcorn. Minum Diet Coke anda. Berhibur.
Setiap kali Captain Jack Sparrow tampil di skrin, ketawalah sepuas hati anda. Stress 3 minggu terus ghaib. Apa yang menarik? Pastinya Keira Knightly. Kali ini Will Turner sudah menjadi cerita basi bagi Elizabeth. Nampaknya, cinta telah beralih arah. Siapa kata seorang wanita tidak boleh mencintai lebih dari seorang lelaki? :) Kali ini, lanun hippie berambut dreadlock yang jalan terhoyong-hayang itu menjadi idaman Elizabeth. Pemberi modal dan pengarah filem makin bijak menjadikan emosi penonton komoditi yang lumayan. Pirates of The Carribean berakhir dengan seteru lama Jack (biarlah aku rahsiakan siapa) kembali untuk menyelamatkan antihero pujaan rama itu. Nampaknya, kita bertemu Jack Sparrow sekali lagi musim panas tahun depan. Tiru Lord of The Rings nampak. Budaya Trilogi?

Untuk selama beberapa minggu ini, rancangan TV apa yang aku tonton?
1.That`s So Raven- Seronok melihat seorang remaja kulit hitam (walaupun watak fiksyen) yang tidak gentar dengan tekanan sosial kerana tubuhnya gempal.
2.Dance Fever -Aku suka menari!
3.Rockstar - Membentuk artis rock ala SMS. Hmm...apa bezanya dengan Mawi? Tidak ada luggage hitam yang perlu ditarik apabila "rocker tidak jadi" diundi keluar. Itulah bezanya, mungkin.
4.House - Antihero yang tempang tetapi bijak. Aura seorang doktor yang aku tidak temui di Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur (Mungkin belum lagi).

Catitan agak ringkas kerana kerja pejabat makin berlambak dan kesihatan diri tidak begitu baik. Takpe. Esok masih ada.

World Cup Finals: Zizou & His Golden Crown

Zinedin Zidane or affectionately known as Zizou could have ended his career by raising the World Cup high amongst adoring crowd and flashing cameras. He could. But he didn’t.

At the 111th minute of the game, he used his bald crown to butt head Materazzi `s chest after some heated exchange of words. It was a brilliant header, if only it could help France lead the game after a 1-1 draw. But, you should head the ball, Zizou, not Materazzi `s chest!

“Oh my god, I cannot see this,”
4 guys at the table, one happened to be my hubby, guffawed loudly.
“Aww…Gee, the worst that can happen is, our Mr Zizou gets the Red,”

The worst indeed happened. Zizou walked out of the field, heading towards the locker room. “What could Zidane be doing in the locker room? Crying? Reflecting on how his career ended?” That was the commentator, trying to be Dr. Phil and a sports commentator at the same time.

It was a dramatic Final. Marred to a certain extent by many tragic episodes. But next to the Italians exorcising the ghost of ’94 as they perfected all the penalty shoots, no other episodes could match Zizou`s header.

“If it was Rooney, I would not be surprised,"
“Look, who ask him to lose his cool? Angry or not, he is putting France`s chance of winning at stake,”
“I wonder what Materazzi said which in the end inspire that beautiful header.”

Everyone wants to be a soccer analyst after Zizou`s tragic incident.

Zizou has remarkable and sophisticated ways of controlling the ball. But I am afraid when it comes to unleashing his anger, his ability to “control” fade to the background. He did in fact earned 2 red cards before this. While with Juventus, he butted Jochen Kientz of Hamburger SV in a Champions League match. He gets his second when he stomped a Saudi Arabia player years back. At this World Cup he collected two yellow cards and was suspended for France's third group match against Togo. He is not as cool as people think he is after all.

I had to say the game yesterday was sloppy and melodramatic most of the time. I would happily name the match between Argentina and German or France and Brazil as the better games compared to the soccer soap opera I witnessed yesterday. Well, whatever I say now, the Italians could still be euphoric about the victory and yet to finish their dancing and pulling of each other `s shorts for all we know. After Trezeguet`s spot kick hit the bar, an empty bottle narrowly missed my head as some fanatic asshole thinks its funny to see my head bleeding. If it had, Zidane will not be the only person butt heading someone `s chest that night. Chewah!

I end my posting with a quote from Raymond Domenech, who never looked sadder than yesterday night:

“All I can think about now is the disappointment. My own future is not important at the moment. I'm sad for Zidane because he was always there for us during this competition. I'd have preferred substituting him five minutes before the end so he could have received a different ovation from the crowd to the one he got.”

Ugly exit it is for our great Zizou.

So, we wait again for another 4 years for the world to conjure another World Cup in South Africa. Well, enough time for me to advocate for plus sized Argentina`s cotton jersey for the next World Cup!

Friday, July 07, 2006

(Read: Serious Observation)

“So you can’t give me a hand in this?”
‘Sorry, I have to conduct visits to rural schools, wrap up my report on indigenous children’s education, state of health and etc, quite busy, M, you know I would help you if I have the time”,
“But this has a lot to do with our civil and political rights, you know. I mean it is very typical of your organization to work on “safe” welfare issues and neglect these big issues? I mean who I am kidding?”.

My brain cells did a bit of gymnastic and mentally spelled these words- dichotomy, Cold War, liberal dweeb…I said my final sorry and hang off. Let `s do a mental check on why this short conversation irritated me- The reason is definitely because she i.e. M, an advocate for freedom of assembly entraps herself in the whole dichotomization of human rights. That is so Cold War. Yeah, I know the plain fact is that, Universal Declaration of Human Rights was a creature of political diplomacy and PR practice among the superpowers during that time. However, I am NOT a generation of the Cold War nor I see any point of being sentimental about it.

I especially get annoyed when people fancy civil and political rights as actual rights whereas economic, social and cultural rights are ideals. Tell that to the poor hungry malnourished citizens in Africa and see if they care about your freedom of shredding your cloths in the middle of the park as a form of expression. Brag about how we open our arms widely to MNCs and liberal market as opposed to social market and see if those underpaid workers, unemployed citizens or child labors in the third world countries are accorded the same freedom and profit that their employers are getting. Dude, dichotomizing rights confers enough reason on the powers that be which I will gladly call dictators and despotic rulers, to turn their back on us and say “Hey, you guys, rights are not inalienable. That `s an option to gladly fulfill one set of rights before the other. Err…good reason to skip some social obligation, there”

The third generation of rights which appeared much later, deals with right to development, peace and self determination, and to me was notions that involve all categories of rights i.e. collective rights.

Frankly, I have nothing against both set of rights. I used to be an advocate for student` s political and civil rights. I just couldn’t bear to let myself victimized by suppression of opinion and academic freedom during my campus life. But when I am doing my job now, I realized that my past struggle was just as crucial as my present. Fighting for equal access to education for the marginalized sector of the society fertilize deeper understanding of civil and political rights among the people. In the same vein, speaking up on the huge economic disparity in the society pave way for economic policy reform.

Dichotomization of rights was the power struggle that the Soviet Union and United States had to endure in the midst of Cold War. The glaring ideological differences were seen in many ways to dilute the whole process of formulating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For example, to the U.S, the United Kingdom, France and other cultural descendants of the West European countries, rights were natural and self evident. Soviet Union and other Communist countries believed that rights are conferred by the State. If that’s not a tough quorum to discuss crucial issue like world peace and universal declaration, check this out; Americans Declaration of Independence proclaimed that rights are conferred by their Creator (Re: God). How do you think the Communist or any atheistic governments would take that? Hence, the magic word used was “inherent” which means you got your rights because you are a human being; religious or atheist, hey, make your pick!

To think I always fumble when I need to explain what “inherent” means during human rights workshops. I should just be honest and say “That word is used because the U.S and Communist block cannot agree on whether there is God or not when they were drafting the document!”

That, my dear Watsons, is just one example of how notion of rights were dichotomized when the world attempted to codify it. You get the picture better if you enlist all the Communist and U.S + Allies `s differences and imagine how they tried to work things out at the negotiation table without getting at each other `s throat.

If we forever set our mind that both civil+political rights and economic+social+cultural rights are always competing for the frontline in our struggle for democracy and, than we will fall victim to the whole idea that in order to make one set of rights seemed important, we must have another. Just like America, after the absence of the Communist Block, they seek new enemies to make themselves relevant globally. Why indeed can’t we gladly accept all the rights as equally important, crucial and in dire need for advocacy and protection?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Let's Rest Our Brains!

Here`s some smile or laugh generators I encountered online. I dedicate these silly stuff to all you stress up peeps out there. Chin up, dudes! Have fun!

1. An educational lecture on the F-word.

2.Are you sure you are not gay? Answer the question, if u can *sniggers*

If I get more stressed up later temping for my boss, I will post more!


I wrote this piece years back when I was still studying and it gets published somewhere (not the mainstream media, definitely!). Last Sunday, my friend and I went out for drinks in Bangsar and we came across an old friend of mine. It was graffiti of 2 silhouettes holding placards bearing the message “Defend Human Rights”. My friend remarked, “Ini kerja budak pandai ni, ada mesej lagi,” I suddenly remembered an article I wrote about how people sometimes misplaced their anger and could not see what was beyond those graffiti. I smiled as I looked back at the graffiti which was left untouched on the wall. The fact that the owner of the premise allow the graffiti to remain on the wall of his premise since 2004 (re: the public outcry on this issue) opens a wide array of possibilities. Hope? Maybe. A strong convincing “Maybe”.

January 2004,

NST dated Jan 5,6 and 11, 2004 covered the issue of graffiti – generating public discussion on whether the act is a form of vandalism or work of art.

A majority of the people interviewed (of which the walls of their premises were “chosen” to exhibit the graffiti) would of course feel that such an act is wrong and deserves punishment. In fact, leading human rights advocate Ramdas Tikamdas, who was also interviewed, viewed such act as demeaning to the human rights struggle in our country and said that it took us two steps backwards.

I have come across the notorious graffiti in some of the walls in Bangsar and it was, (and as some of us would agree), done tastefully. Anyone who did it has great artistic talent and that was not all. He or she who also possessed notably good social consciousness and passion for human rights issues, which sad to say, is depleting in our society. So, the question now will be- is the act of spraying the walls of public property in the middle of the night (that is the only “safe” time to do it, I guess) that provokes the anger of the public or is it the glaring messages that those mute but loud graffiti carry, which in depth-is very thought provoking and honest?

Is it because the usual graffiti which carries lovelorn confessions like “I Luv U”, or the equally common admission of existence such as “I Wuz Ere!” or even the vulgar ones which is kind of self explanatory, has set a certain standard for how graffiti should look like or stand for?

For the past years, we stayed silent and relaxed when we encountered these useless scribbles on the toilet walls, because the message is “safe” and “comfortable”. There is a bit of grumbling here and there of course, because now, the owner of the premise must buy fresh paint to cover those dirty spots, but at the back of our minds, we are relieved that this is not the work of some socially conscious youths with an agenda. And, of course, the mainstream media such as NST need not cover that story more than once because graffiti in that context is just a mere prank.

Furthermore, we are left in awe at the growing number of expensive billboards in or cities which are funded by major companies advertising empty messages of their products or modern lifestyles. So are murals, wallpapers and artworks that are confined in galleries- these are OK, too. We prefer the orchestrated mainstream designs to the anonymous work of art done in free-style and provocative manner. To us, the later deserves harsh penalties and the perpetrators are only in for trouble.

From a different perspective, let us continue thinking-were the aesthetic carvings of animals, spirits and nature done by the nomadic cave dwellers on the walls of caves, during the primitive era, graffiti? Not forgetting the GIs during the World War II who made chalk drawings on the tanks and how the Catholic Protestant protesters used to paint slogans on Belfast, Northern Ireland walls. Was that the work of irresponsible people with a penchant for destroying public property or was it, actually, another form of symbolic communication inspired by one’s creativity and struggle to express opinion within a suppressive condition?

Dr. Joe Austin, assistant professor PhD (American Studies), University of Minnesota, a pop culture professor, did extensive studies on the intersections of urban history, youth culture, and popular culture (particularly film) in the United States and also visual productions of youth cultures themselves, such as graffiti and posters.

In his research, he noted “graffiti is a way for people to express themselves when they don’t feel they can publicly”. Among the reasons cited are “because the message is unpopular, public speaking is discouraged or they don’t want their words to be attributed to them”. For better or worse, graffiti allows someone an anonymous voice. Thus the suppression and lack of space to voice up one `s concern due to oppressive laws, control over media and even, dogmatic values in one ` s society is a valid reason of why some people, or specifically youths, who are victims of the above reason resort to graffiti.

In regards to Ramdas `s opinion, with due respect to his position as the president of Hakam, I beg to differ. Although graffiti is more often than not considered as one of hip hop subculture as evident in America, graffiti has, in fact been used as a form of protest against injustice and human rights violations in other parts of the world.

In Nicaragua, graffiti carries strong political message that call for popular mobilization. Whereas since the collapse of the Soviet Union, graffiti bearing anti-America messages and revolutionary slogans were seen on the walls of that city` s historic buildings as a sign of protest by some anonymous public. Let’s not forget Malaysia unassuming “Gerakan 18”, as I like to call it. The number “18” was found sprayed in popular or unexpected spots around Klang Valley few years back. So sensitive was that particular number that members of Parliament raised the issue during parliamentary session. “Some” were of course emotional than the others because the number signifies the number of politicians alleged to be involved in huge corruption cases.

I will not, however deny the fact that graffiti also emerged in the forms of hate speech and gang graffiti which are purely criminal vandalism, used in depicting violence and immoral values, marking the border of the gang’s territory or venting anger towards their enemy. However, in respect to the graffiti, which was highlighted in NST, I could not see how any of those graffiti could trigger or promote negative reactions from and to the public.

To me, those graffiti, like deep scars that survived painful wounds we inflicted on ourselves should stay on those walls as a reminder to all of us that there are so many issues unsolved and justice unclaimed in our country. I am of the opinion that graffiti is also one of the effective ways to advocate social issues. I mean, look at how much publicity it is getting from NST! What with three follow up news and colored pictures to boot!

The very characteristic of those “detested graffiti” – skillful sprays of colors done in style, fun, honest and non pretentious should be accepted as a very sincere manifestation by some sector of the society who supports our struggle for reform and justice. Don’t forget that reform requires us to dare to be different and break tyrannical norms!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Demam Piala Dunia -atau- Argentina Dalam Kenangan!

Hari ini, ingat nak pos sesuatu yg mendalam. Tetapi sibuk habis aku hari ini kerana bos tiada di pejabat, (baca: terpaksa menjadi pemangku!...rakan sekerja kata "bukan pemangku, tetapi mangkuk, heheh) Aku ingat sebelum balik ke rumah, aku hendak menyumbat beg aku dengan kerja-kerja pejabat yang boleh aku habiskan sambil menunggu masa keramat 3.00 pagi untuk menyaksikan Peranchis berentap dengan Portugal bagi merebut tempat ke Final.

Ya, memang Argentina hanya tinggal sejarah. Kapoot! Habis! Tamat! Tetapi rasa hormat aku kepada corak permainan dan kesungguhan mereka di atas padang akan ku bawa sehingga ke Piala Dunia 2010 nanti. Oleh itu, cuba tonton iklan ini, khas di bawa dari Argentina,dengan tajaan percuma, tanda kasihnya aku kepada Riquelme, Crespo, Messi serta rakan sepasukan mereka yang lain. Kata-kata di akhir iklan tersebut jika diterjemahkan bermaksud "Mainlah bagi semua yang tidak dapat bermain, Semangatlah yang menyatukan kita!"

Malam ini, aku hendak sokong Peranchis lah! ;)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


I am finally back. What a week it was. I brought back with me some short notes for people that I met during the journey or I make a point to talk toduring my hiatus. I hope they will be happy with the notes because this notes were made personally for them. Here goes the notes:


Dear Union Guy,

Yeah, I was a jerk when I called you irresponsible, lembik, weak willed and etc. During my one week journey, I encountered jerks worse than you that I feel a lot more better that I am stuck with a jerk like you. You always take the side of the underdogs and the marginalized no matter what it costs you. To me, that is really cool, Union guy. Plus if given a haircut and freshly washed t-shirt, you could be mistaken as Jalan Ampas actor anytime!

Your smelly sock,



Dear Switters,

I am back in K.L again after a week long hiatus. Your laments on how shitty your job is to the Union Guy is quiet understandable. Being ordered around by a woman in vest sounds very nerve breaking. Well, a job is a job, Switters, at least your hands have some useful stuffs to handle other than…Never mind. (This blog is self-classified as “U” with mild insults occasionally hurled to the government or any party that I am pissed with, so pray leave the blanks, blank). So, Switters, do finish up your job so we can watch the World Cup Finals together!

Teh Tarek and Nan


Dear 4 Eyes,

You rock, baby! We had a ball bitching about life when we met on that very eventful 30th June. I am happy to see you are happy with your “bee”. The next time you need a plus size model for any of your photography session, just give me a ring. But that depends, really. Coz I am getting really good at my belly dancing and I am doubling my cardio efforts. I could be 10 kilos thinner the next time we meet or arkkk!!! The other way around. Congrats on your new job too. Errrr…wanna borrow my scarf?

Tight hugs from me!



Dear Mahathir, Pak Lah and the Mediator,

Please stop this pathetic Cold War. Soviet and U.S had enough of the Cold War crap, so why should you start a new one. Have pity on the mysterious Mediator. He was appointed to be a peace broker for both of you. You are putting him in a huge dilemma coz he won’t know to whom should he be the “yes-man”. By the way, your battering and exchange of words have hoarded the newspapers for weeks. Let us read some real news, okay?

P/S- The mediator: Do you know what you put yourself into?

Gadis Pemalu, Kuala Kangsar



Dear Conducter Bus Green Reliance Ipoh-KK

You seemed tired, troubled and intimidated by the naughty and haughty boys that pulled your leg when I was on the bus. I especially appreciate the small act of kindness you showed when you wake me up softly and ask me to get ready for the next stop. Those trips on the bus must be tiring and dull for you. But you and I, we both sat on the bus exchanging knowing glances as we observed people from all walks of life took their seats on that dusty bus, anxiously waited for the next destination. Perhaps, just perhaps, we both knew our own predicament was shitty too. We don’t have any right to judge those people, I guess. Till we meet again. If I am on a second hiatus, that is.

Hope you are having a great day today,


Dear mama,

That small talk we had while devouring the whole cheese cake was very refreshing. U know what I remembered the most?

“How did I raise you?”

“Painfully…I knew I was such an asshole masa kecik,”

“No, Gee, remember how I always give you chance every time you made mistakes or in trouble?”

“So? You are my mom…duh,”

“The point is, I never give up on you because I know u will grow up to be a strong spunky woman with enough dose of wit and sexiness (okay, I invent this line), so, why now, you give up on others easily, especially people that you used to adore or love?

Mama, growing old and beautiful makes you such a corny person. But very wise too. You don’t know how those words make me happier that I finished up the whole cake when you are asleep. Sorry for not owning up.

Love you, mama!


Dear Cigar smoker,

I was damn happy to get to know you better and enjoyed your company. Beneath those cigar smokes and droopy eyes, I sensed kindness, honesty and great loyalty. Sorry I can’t be the pimp of the year and get you as many hot chicks as you desired. I am sure you can get loads of hot chicks on your own. Watching Argentina lost to German was made easier with you shouting your support for Lehrman, typical of a silly Arsenal fanatic. Sheesh. When I say easy, I meant at least I didn’t scream my heads off and kick the projector. Somehow, in a very surreal +Kafkasque (minus the transformation to insect part) way, you made my day. But don’t bother to be proud and all, coz this piece of compliment is coming from an erratic-Zennex popper-schizoid. Do tap dance your way out of here while you can!

Drama Queen with a “kong” Dopod


Dear Mike (Keeper of the Worldly Hell)

You make me laugh a lot . Only a true winner thinks he is a loser or errr…if he is a real genuine loser. As much as you think you have lots of enemies, I do think you have a bunch of dear friends. And admirers. And stalkers. And groupies. And…oh well.

A partner in blogging

My blogging activities will resume as usual. I promise to
---> Be a nicer person
---> Apreciate what I have
---> Less drama queen-ish
---> Less kilos!!!